Friday, August 14, 2009

Letter From Michelle and Richard Forsythe - L.F.C.A. Members


While your post here states that you will answer several concerns, you
equally raise a great number of far more disturbing issues, even laying
aside the closure of the preschool itself. Your comments acknowledge that
the board had a period of time between the newsletter being written in mid
July and the executive committee meeting on the 6th of August. Evidently
during those three weeks, news of such critical importance arose that the
Board was forced into the closure of the school. You - and presumably the
entire board - had time to 1.) analyze these mysterious facts, 2.) reach a
decision, 3.) arrange for refunds and notifications to be posted to the
parents, and 4.) for the closure of the school. Yet, you did not update the
Preschool section on this website (still accepting enrollment as of today
8/15/09!), nor did you - nor any Board member - make any effort to contact
the Association members. Instead, poor Cynthia is now scrambling to explain
the Boards decision - and given the outcry on the handling of this issue I
do not envy her role.

You are always very quick to reply to posts on this website - why did you
not post the facts as they arose, or make any notification to the

And while I certainly agree the needs of the majority of the membership must
be placed over and above the needs of only a few, I believe all members are
entitled to openness on the part of the board, that timely and accurate
information should be dispensed, and that it is indeed the responsiblity of
the Board to communicate on all issues promptly. Because many members do not
attend meetings, and because you personally have pushed for the open thread
on this website, it is very alarming to realize a decision of this
magnitude -whether right or wrong - could take place without any visibly
effort on your part to post on this board, send email to the LFCA contact
list, or simply pop a letter in the mail to the complete membership. It
would be silly of the Board to think that lightly attended meetings mean an
apathetic or maleable membership! I for one expect the people I employ to be
able to do an adequate job without constant supervision or micro-management.

One last point - your reply to Carol Madigan's original post uses the phrase
"you claim" no fewer than four times. Surely, this is a rather aggressive
response - and especially from a gentleman of your background!!! You must
admit that had you immediately dispensed information - via all available
channels- there is a significant possibility this entire kerfuffle could
have been avoided.

I - and many, many members - will eagerly await not only Cythia's letter,
which will obviously contain the financial information for the preschool for
last five years, but indeed an apology from the entire Board for their
disappointing handling of this issue.


Michelle and Richard Forsythe

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